Tribal Calendar


  • January 16, 2021: Presentation on the State of the Address of the Tribe (All Tribal Members)


  • February 13, 2021 Tribal Council and Heritage Foundation Board Meeting
  • February 20, 2021: Email July and November Powwow Vendor Contracts To Vendors.
  • Contract two Powwow Drums, MC, Head Lady and Head Male Dancers.
  • Prepare Powwow Flyer / Post Flyer To Powwow.Com and other websites.


  • March 13, 2021: Tribal Council and Heritage Foundation Board Meeting.
  • March 19, 2021: Cattashowrock Town Palisade Village Opens 10AM to 4PM – Need Tribal Tour Guide Volunteers. (March Through November – Friday & Saturday)


  • April 10, 2021: Tribal Quarterly Meeting (All Tribal Members).
  • April 23, 2021: 308th Spotswood Treaty Tribute To VA Governor – 3 Peace Arrows.


  • May 8. 2021: Tribal Council and Heritage Foundation Board Meeting.
  • May 14, 15 & 16, 2021: Primitive Skills Gathering – BBQ Fund Raiser (Cattashowrock Town).


  • June 12, 2021: Tribal Council and Heritage Foundation Board Meeting.
    • Green Corn Dance Powwow Planning Meeting. (12 Noon – 2PM)
  • June 26, 2021: Powwow Planning Meeting (Powwow Committee)
  • June 30 – July 1, 2021: Powwow Setup –Land Clean Up, Tents, Circle, Kitchen, & Palisade Village


  • July 3, 2021: 27st Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian “Green Corn” Dance Powwow & Gathering. (9 AM to Sunset)
  • Pay all paid performers: Drums, MC, Head Lady & Head Male, Aztec Dancers, Arena Director, Flint Knapper, Tent, table and chair rentals.
  • Powwow Tally, Tear Down and Clean Up – 7 PM
  • July10, 2021: Tribal Quarterly Meeting (All Tribal Members) & Powwow After Action Report .
  • July 10, 2021: Prepare and post November Powwow Flyer to
  • July 12, 2021: Contract two Powwow Drums, MC, Head Lady, and Head Male and Specialty Dancer, for November School Day and Powwow.


August 14, 2021: Tribal Council & Heritage Foundation Board Meeting

August 16, 2021: Send Out November 5th School Day Invitations via Email/Letters – Superintendents, Principals, School Board Directors of Instruction.


September 11, 2021: Tribal Council and Heritage Foundation Board of Meeting.

September 18, 2021: @ 12 Noon: “Native American Revival Crusade For Christ – The Great Awaking of the Holy Spirit.” Guest Evangelist, Chief Steve Silverheels, Son of Tonto on the TV series “The Lone Ranger.” Invitation to all Tribes, All Churches, All Ethnicity – Bring your Blind, your Lame, your Wheelchair Bound, your Shut In, your Shut Out an experience a Spiritual Healing from the “Living Word” the sound of the “Shofar” an the “Awaking from out of “Darkness” into the marvelous “Light.” (Cattashowrock Town)

September 27, 2021: Follow-up with a Second mailing of School Day Invitations and make Land Line Calls to schools.


October 9, 2021: Tribal Quarterly Meeting (All Tribal Members)

November School Day and Powwow Planning Meeting

October 23, 2021: Powwow Planning Meeting (Powwow Committee)


November 3 & 4, 2021: Tribal Land Clean Up, Put up Tents, Tables, Chairs, Setup Powwow Circle, Kitchen, and Palisade Village.

November 5, 6 & 7, 2021: 28th Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Intertribal “Corn Harvest” Powwow and School Day.

November 5, 2021: School Day (9AM to 3PM) – Need 20 Chaperones In Regalia.

Bonfire: 6:30 PM to 9PM (Friday Night)

November 7, 2021: Pay paid performers: MC, Head Lady & Head Man, Drums, Aztec Dancers, Arena Director, Specialty Dancer, and Flint Knapper.

Powwow Tally Report / Tear Down and Clean Up Powwow Grounds.

November 13, 2021: Tribal Council and Heritage Foundation Board Meeting.

November Powwow and School Day After Action Report

Last Day of Opening of Cattashowrock Town (Palisade Village)


December 11, 2021: Tribal Christmas Party (All Tribal Members) – Merry Christmas.