Ethno-Historic Surnames on The Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe, Southampton County Official Tribal Records – State/County/Land Tracts

State Records:

1808 Census = a census included in Nottoway trustees’ letter of 7/18/1808, in Executive Papers

[i.e., the papers received by Virginia governors since 1776; boxed chronologically]

That Census listed 17 Nottoway Indians living on the Reservation.

Exec. Jnls. = Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia (pub. 1925)

J of H of B = Journal of the House of Burgesses (pub. 1915)

Leg. Pet. = Legislative Petitions; now microfilmed, county by county; dated ca. 1780-1865               

County Records

D = Deed Book      O = Order Book      M = Minute Book                  W = Will Book

POMBNBNOM = Person Of  Mixed Blood Not Being Negro Or Mulatto [i.e., Indian]

Law passed, 1833; certifications handled by county courts

Section 17, Chapter 107 of the Code of Virginia 1860

NOTE:  All county records are from Southampton Co. unless otherwise noted.  Southampton Co. branched off from Isle of Wight Co. in 1749, so records of the Nottoways before that date come from Isle of Wight Co.  Before the 1730s, the county dealing with Nottoways was Isle of White and Sussex Co. [Note: First ethno-history contact in Nottoway County in 1607/08 – Sussex County 1650 (see Bland papers) …WDB]

NOTE:  Where someone sold land before getting it (1837-38, 1840-41), they were selling the rights to an allotment before it had been surveyed and officially awarded to them.

NOTE: except for a few carefully noted places, all Land Tracts below are stated specifically in the records to be current or former Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribal land.


Watt [Walter]        

  • (1745 – I. of W. Co. D 7: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men )
  • (1754 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)



  • (1808 Census – 10 yrs. old; sis. of Solomon, ½-sis. of Alex. Rogers)
  • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)


  •  (1808 Census – 8 yrs. old; bro. of Fanny, ½ bro. of Alex. Rogers)
  •  (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)



  • (1848 – O 20: 672, M 1848-55: 46 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
  •  (1850-51 – M 1848-55: 222-23, 229, 260 – got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1852 –D 28: 306 – sold allotment – married to Albert Artis by then)
  • (1864 – M 22: 169 – certified POMBNBNOM)
  • (1884 — ?heir = William Artis – from neighbor’s deed, D 37: 518)


  • (1852 – M 1848-55: 345–wanted plot of Reservation land)
  • (1852-53 – M 1848-55: 416, 421, 487–got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1864 – M 1861-70: 169–certified POMBNBNOM – surname was Crocker then)
  • (1890 – she bought Thos. Crocker’s land, lost for taxes – size indic. it was old Nott. allotment (D 41: 376); hus. by then = Wm. Artis)


  • (1868 – O 22: 496, 577 – sued for plot of Reservation land)
  •  (1868 – O 22: 611 – got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1885 – neighbor’s deed calls him “Lamb Stewart”)


  • (1870 – O 22: 620-21, 24: 110- – got plot of Reservation land)
  • (called“Milly” in both documents, called “Lydia” on O 24: 111)
  • [D 28: 584 – she & (separate) Lydia Bozeman = neighbors]
  • [U.S. Census shows her as Lydia Bozeman, sister of Lamb Bozeman]
  • (1875 – D 32: 345 – “Milly Bozeman, alias Turner” used land as collateral for debt; redeemed; 1878-85, she was neighbor of other allottees;
  • Lydia Bozeman’s husband by 1885 was Robert S. Lewis and
  • They lived next door to Milly Bozeman/Turner)


  • (1851 – M 1848-55: 273, 281 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
  •  (1851 – M 1848-55: 284, 312, 314 – got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1861, 1872 – D 30: 66, 31: 508 – sold and bought back allotment)
  • [1872 deed does not mention Indians]
  • [by 1884, surname was Stewart – neighbor’s deed, D 37: 518]

William G.              

  • (1823 – Leg. Pet., asking for his share of Tribal estate, so he could leave Virginia)  [same as Billy Woodson]
  • (1830 – D 21:381–sold land)


(1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men)

Doctor Tom

  • (1738-45 – I. of W. Co. D 5-7: various – one of the chief men)
  •  (1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men)
  •  (1754 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)


  • Chief – Occouraass Treheer  (Feb 27, 1713 – Spotswood’s Treaty with the Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe
  • (King) [chief] (1737-39 – I. of W. Co. D 5-7: various – one of the chief men)


  • (1715 – Exec. Jnls. 3: 407)


  • (1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men)



  • (10/9/1792 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)


  • (1737-38 – I. of W.Co. D 5: various, 7: 420 – one of the chief men)


  • (1754 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)



  • (1759 – J of H of B 9: 86, 94 – rewarded for service, Ft. Duchesne)



  • (1760 – D 3: various – one of two chief men)
  • (1761 – D 3: 103 – one of four chief men)
  • (1762 – D 3: 228 – one of three chief men)



  • (1745-46 – I. of W. Co. D 7: various – one of the chief men)



  • (1808 Census – age 11; same mother as Fanny and Solomon Bartlett)
  • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)


  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 – party to sale of tribal land)
  •  (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)

 Old Roger

  • (1741 – I. of W. Co. D: 6: various – one of the chief men)


  • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)

Roger [Jr.?]

  • (1743-47 – I. of W. Co. D 7: various, 8: 252 – one of chief men)


  • (1821 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation) 
  • [same as Solomon Bartlett?]
  • (His Nottoway name in it = Te-res-ke’)


  • (1745 – I. of W. Co. 4: 7: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1754 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1757 – D 2: var. – one of chief men – “Old Sam” or“Capt. Sam”)



  • (1759 – J of H of B 9: 86, 94 – rewarded for service, Ft. Duchesne)


  • (10/9/1792 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 102, 153 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1808 Census – 51 years old; wife white)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)
  • (12/10/1821 – Leg. Pet. – Trustees’ letter said he = over 70 yrs. old)


  • (1738-45 – I. of W. Co. D 5-7: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1757 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1759 – J of H of B 9: 86, 94 – rewarded for service at Ft. Duchesne –called “School Robin”)
  • (1761 – D 3: 103 – one of four chief men)
  • (1762 – D 3: 228 – one of three chief men)


  • (12/11/1821 – Leg. Pet. asking that Reservation be broken up)

[Martha Stewart never received Indian land herself, but by 1883 had somehow acquired two Indian allotments to use as collateral on debts; acquisition needs checking. She seems to have been the widow of a later Alec Scholar/Stewart, also a non-allottee, and also mother of one of the George Stewarts in the county.  Nottoway land inheritance was matrilineal, either because the tribe had been matrilineal or (equally likely) the old colonial rule that status of children of non-married parents came from the mother.  Littleton Scholar’s descendants would therefore have been Nottoway-descended but ineligible to get tribal land and moneys when they were divided up, so that they would not appear in the later 19th century records mentioning the Tribe.]



  • (1745 – I. of W. Co. D: various – one of the chief men –also called “Charles Skipper”)
  • (1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1754 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1757 – D 2: various – one of chief men – called just “Skipper”)
  • (1760 – D 3: varous – one of two chief men)
  • (1761 – D 3: 103 – one of four chief men)



  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1808 Census – 36 years old)


  • (1794 – D 8: 97 – party to sale of tribal land; “infant”)
  • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land; “infant”)


  • (1808 Census – 18 years old)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)


  • (1757 – D – one of the chief men)
  • (1759 – J of H of B 9: 86, 94 – rewarded for service, Ft. Duchesne)
  • (1821 – D 21: 287 – party to sale of tribal land)


[probably descendants of Jenny (Jincy) Woodson Taylor; see her under WOODSON]


  • (1850 – M 1848-55: 218 – wanted plot of Reservation land
  • (1849-51 – leader of tribe suing trustees to let go of Reservation land – Chancery O 1832-58: 309; called “William” on that one page)
  • (1850 – M 1848-55: 223, 229 – got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1850 – certified POMBNBNOM – M 1848-55:  231)
  • (1850 – D 28: 44 – used allotment for security on debt)


  • (1854 – wanted plot of Reservation land – M 1848-55: 545, 563)
  • (1854-55 – O 21: 2, 5, 34-35 – got plot of Reservation land [Aug. 21])
  • (1855 – O 21: 33 – certified POMBNBNOM [Aug. 20])
  • (1855 – D 28: 699 — sold allotment to fellow Nottoway descendant Edwin Turner Sr. [Aug. 22])


  • (1848 – O 20: 672, M 1848-55: 46, 218 – wanted plot of Reservation land
  • (1849-51 – leader of tribe suing trustees to let go of Reservation land – Chancery O 1832-58: 309)
  • (1850 – M 1848-55: 223, 229 – got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1850 – M 1848-55: 231 – certified POMBNBNOM)
  • (1850 – D 28: 44 – used allotment for security on debt)

Robert & Benjamin = “descendants of a female . . .”, therefore siblings or cousins


Edwin [Sr.]

(1847-50– O 20: 552, 559; M 1848-55: 222– wanted plot of Reservation land)

(1849-51– Chancery O 1832-58: 309 – leader of tribe suing trustees to let go of Reservation land)

(1851 – won, got the land – O 20: 552, 559; M 1848-55: 229, 260)                    [held onto his land, left it to his children]

Wife = Elizabeth/Betsy –?– Turner

(1847-49 – wanted plot of Reservation land – O 20: 584, 697; M 1848-55: 60)

(1847-49 – apparently got plot of Reservation land – no record)

[held onto her land, left it to her children, judging by their holdings later]

1878: Final division of remaining Reservation land: among Edwin & Betsy’s children:

List of children (from Chancery O 1859-82: 475-76, 520 – suit in 1877-80,in boxed records on shelves in courthouse):

  • Edwin D. Turner [Jr.] (adult in 1877)
    • (wife = Antoinette —- as of 1889)
    • (wife = Mattie —- as of 1908)
  • Virginia (Jenny) Turner (adult in 1877)
    • (husband by 1884 = John Sykes)
  • Maria Turner  (adult in 1877;1886, marr. John K. Britt)
  • Frances Turner (1880, marr. John Harrison Jr.)
    • daughter = Rosa Ellen Harrison
    • (husband = J. B. Sykes by 1908)
  • Caroline Rebecca Turner (1877, marr. John K. Britt)
    • Died < 1886; apparently no children
  • William Turner (“infant” in 1877)
  • Rosa Ella Turner  (“infant” in 1877, died < 5/1880)
  • Edy/Edith
    • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 – party to sale of tribal land)
    • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
    • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
    • (1808 Census – 54 years old; had non-Indian husband, and Polly and John Woodson lived with her)
    • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
    • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)
    • (1821 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
    • (Her Nottoway name = Wane’ Roonseraw)
    • [Accompanying Trustees’ letter said she = nearly 70 yrs. Old]
    • (1830 – sold land – D 21: 381)
    • (died 1838 – will made and proved, O 18: 408, 413
  • Green
    • (1835 – M 1830-35: 381 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
    • (1835 – M 1830-35: 390 – got half-plot of Reservation land)
    • (1835 – D 23: 498 – sold that allotment)
    • [1835 record says he and Henry Turner = desc. Of “a female” – therefore were brothers (far apart in age) or cousins]
    • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 – sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)
  • Henry
    • (1808 Census – 16 years old; son of Nancy Turner)
    • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
    • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)
    • (1835 – M 1830-35: 381 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
    • (1835 – M 1830-35: 390 – got half-plot of Reservation land)
    • (1835 – D 23: 498, 517 – sold that allotment)
    • [his wife was non-Indian named Ann]
    • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 –
    • sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)\
  • James
    • (1840 – O 19: 243 – wanted and got plot of Reservation land)
    • (1840 – D 24: 553 – sold allotment)
  • John
    • (1745-46 – I. of W. Co. D 7: various – one of the chief men)
    • (1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men)
    • (1754 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)
    • (1757 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)
  • John
    • (1837 – O 18: 270 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
    • (1837 – O 18: 296, 333 – got half-plot of Reservation land)
    • (1837 – D 24: 116-17 – sold that allotment)
    • (1837 – O 18: 320 –  certified POMBNBNOM [8 days later])
    • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 –sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)
    • (1840 – D 24: 553 – sold that allotment [not even surveyed yet])
    • (1842 – O 19: 480 – ordered exempt from taxes; labeled “Indian”)
  • Nanny/Nancy
    • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land)
    • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
    • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
    • (1808 Census – 34 years old; mother of Henry Turner)
    • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
    • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)
    • (1837 – O 18: 270 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
    • (1837 – O 18: 296, 333 – got half-plot of Reservation land)
    • (1837 D 24: 314 – sold that allotment)
    • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 –sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)
    • [in 1838 = aged “not less than sixty-five”]
    • (1840 – D 25: 3 – sold that allotment [not surveyed yet], in exchange for money and 10 acres [elsewhere?])
  • Parsons
    • (1837 – O 18: 297 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
    • (1837 – O 18: 333 – got half-plot of Reservation land)
    • [wife was Mary Woodson]
    • (1837 – O 18: 328, 329, Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 231 – convicted in Court of Oyer and Terminer for felonious cutting)
    • (1837 – D 24: 176 – sold that allotment)
    • (1838 – Leg. Pet. – asked for pardon, since he got no jury trial [jury trialbeing guaranteed to Indians by treaty)
    • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 –sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)
    • (1840 – D 24: 520 – sold that allotment [not even surveyed yet])
  • Tom
    • (1754 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)
    • (1762 – D 3: 228 – one of three chief men)
  • Thomas/Tom
    • (10/9/1792 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
    • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 – party to sale of tribal land)
    • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
    • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land) [name looks like “Lem”]
    • (1808 Census – 36 years old; common-law wife mulatto)
  • William
    • (1840 – O 19: 109 – wanted and got plot of Reservation land)



  • (1749 – D 1: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1757 – D 2: various – one of the chief men)
  • (1761 – D 3: 103 – one of four chief men)


[?originally Woodson – Mary Woodson (Mrs. Parsons Turner) = sometimes “Williams”] – the following three were probably siblings:


  • (1837, certified POMBNBNOM – O 18: 320)
  • (1840 – O 19: 243 – wanted and got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1840 – D 25: 60 – sold allotment)


  • (1840 – O 19: 243 – wanted and got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1840 – D 25: 60 – sold allotment)


  • (1840 – O 19: 243 – wanted and got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1840 – D 25: 60 – sold allotment)

[“Williams, sometimes called Wiggins” in 1872 – D 31: 415]



  • (10/9/1792 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1808 Census – 38 years old; mulatto woman lived w/ him)


  • (10/9/1792 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1795 – D 8:  250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)

Wineoak Arthur

  • (1747 – I. of W. Co. D 8: 252 – one of the chief men)

Wineoak Robin

  • (1738-47 – I. of W. Co. D 5-8: various – one of the chief men)

Wineoak Robin Jr.

  • (1737-38 – I. of W. Co. D 5: various, 7: 420 – one of the chief men)



  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land; “infant”)
  • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land; “infant”)
  • (1808 Census – 19 years old; sister of Winny & Jenny)
  • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)


  • (10/9/1792 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1795 – D 8:  250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)


  • (10/9/1792 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)
  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1795 – D 8:  250-51 – party to sale of tribal land)
  • (1803 – Leg. Pet. asking to sell tribal land)


  • (1808 Census – 6 years old; sister of Winny and Anny)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale; called “Jane”)
  • (1837 – O 18: 297 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
  • (1838 – O 18: 333 – got half-plot of Reservation land) (“Jenny Taylor”)
  • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 –sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)
  • (1840 – D 24: 510 – sold 1840 allotment [not even surveyed yet])
  • (1855 – D 28: 671– sold allotment she’d inherited)


  • (1808 Census – 12 years old; lived w/ Edy Turner)
  • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)
  • (1837 – O 18: 297 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
  • (1837 – O 18: 333 – got half-plot of Reservation land)
  • (1837 – D 24: 116 – sold that allotment)
  • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 –sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)
  • (1840 – D 25: 4 – sold that allotment [not even surveyed yet])


  • (1808 Census – 14 years old; lived w/ Edy Turner)
  • (12/16/1818 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)
  • (1821 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation) 
  • (Her Nottoway name = Kare’ hout)
  • (1837 – O 18: 297 – wanted plot of Reservation land) (“Mary Turner”)
  • (1837 – O 18: 333 – got half-plot of Reservation land)
  • [wife of Parsons Turner, another allottee]
  • (1837 – D 24: 146 – sold that allotment) (called “Mary Williams”)
  • (1839-41 – Circuit Superior Court 1831-41: 289, 320, 344, 431, 458 –sued Indian Trustees to get rest of plot of Reservation land)
  • (1840 – D 25: 60-61 – sold allotment) (called “Mary Williams”)


  • (1852-53 – M 1848-55: 345, 395 – wanted plot of Reservation land)
  • (1853 – M 1848-55: 416, 421, 487–got plot of Reservation land)
  • NOTE: she applied along with Indiana Bozeman, butthey were “descendants of females” (plural) of the Tribe –therefore not descended from the same person
  • (1859 – mentioned in a neighbor’s deed as a landowner – D 29 – “Milly Turner”)


  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land)
  • (NOTE: apparently adult, so not the same as Anny)
  • (1795 – D 8: 250-51 – party to sale of tribal land) (called “Nanny Wott”)


  • (1848-1850 – O 20: 672, M 1848-55: 46 – wanted plot of Reservation land
  • (1850-51 – M 1848-55: 229, 260 – got plot of Reservation land)
  • (1853 – D 28: 339 – sold allotment)

“T. M.”

  • (1821 – Leg. Pet., part of tribe asking for break-up of Reservation) 
  • [probably same as Wm. Woodson]


  • (1808 Census – age 12, son of Nanny Woodson deceased[Nottoway] &

Micahah Bozeman [white]); living off-Reservation with his father)

  • [later called William G. Bozeman]
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)


  • (1808 Census – 17 years old; sister of Anny & Jenny)
  • (1820 – D 17: 97, 21: 287 – party to tribal land sale)



  • (1794 – D 8: 97, 98, 102, 153 — party to sale of tribal land)

[NOTE:  Other Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribal Surnames appear on the 1822  Free Negro and Mulatto Census of Saint Luke Parish, Southampton County Virginia; such as Henry Turner, William Bozeman and Charlotte Westbrook, Artist, Brown and Buck; to include other Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Surnames that appeared on Indian Land Deeds of sale from 1735 to 1952…Sykes…..WDB]